The road to the Metaverse
…a brief history
So how did we get here?
Single Compute Platforms
The 1970’s:
Mainframe Computers
Mini Computers
Dumb Terminals
Distributed Compute Platforms
The 1980’s:
The Micro Computer arrives
Personal Computing Arrives
Local Area Networks emerge
Mobile Compute Platforms
The 1990’s:
The World Wide Web
The Portable Laptop
2D Graphical User Interface becomes widespread
Ubiquitous Compute Platforms
The 2000’s:
Smart-Phone appears
The Internet in your pocket
The Internet becomes accessible from everywhere
Enter the Wearable Platform
The 2010’s:
Wearable Computing becomes common
IoT – Internet of Things appear
Virtual Reality becomes commercially available
Augmented Reality emerges
So whats next?
The 2020’s:
Smart Displays & 5G
3D Compute becomes universal
Harder to discern the physical world from the virtual world
Smart Contact Lenses appear
Spatial Computing begins…